links for 2009-09-29

  • There is no crowd in crowdsourcing. There are only virtuosos, usually uniquely talented, highly trained people who have worked for decades in a field. Frequently, these innovators have been funded through failure after failure. From their fervent brains spring new ideas. The crowd has nothing to do with it. The crowd solves nothing, creates nothing.

links for 2009-09-24

  • Bij Ebay zouden ze het een en ander moeten weten over kopen en verkopen. Ze hebben namelijk de grootste marktplaats ter wereld uitgebouwd. Maar ze hebben zich in de luren laten leggen door twee ondernemende Scandinaven. Een verbijsterend cowboyverhaal uit Silicon Valley.
    (tags: Ebay Skype)

links for 2009-09-23

links for 2009-09-17

  • According to the 2009 survey results, eBay is the Most Trusted Company for Privacy, proving that the e-commerce site can protect consumer privacy, all while handling massive volumes of sensitive data across the globe. Verizon earned the ranking as the second most trusted company, while the U.S. Postal Service, WebMD, and IBM rounded out the top five.