John Battelle’s Searchblog: Google as Ad OS? Sure, If You’re A Programmer

Excellent posting here: Link to John Battelle’s Searchblog: Google as Ad OS? Sure, If You’re A Programmer . I like it, not only because I work for Microsoft (I’m Trade Marketing Manager for Microsoft Digital advertising solutions in Belgium). I like it and believe it because of what marketing is all about. More and more it’s about emotions and the link the consumer wants to make with a brand (or not) and that’s where this posting has it right.


Excellent site: AdVerbatims that collects all idiotic, funny, incredible, …verbatims used in marketing circles. A few of my favorites:

#269-“The colors for the cars on my screen are not matching the brochures when I hold them up, you need to get them closer to the brochure.”

#266-“That looks great. But can you make the shadow fuzzier and exactly 3% more transparent on all 145 versions ?”
(Online Editor, after tape has been fedexed to distribution network)

#262– “It’s not important if people listen to radio or not, it’s how they listen to radio that’s important”
(Media Rep to Media Planner)

#224– “I know our logo fucks up your design, but still put it in there. Big bigger than all other graphics”
(Client to Designer)